Why Nitrogen is Pumped Into The Center Fuel Tank | Nitrogen Generation System
1. 센터 연료 탱크에 질소를 펌핑하는 이유 | 질소 생성 시스템
비행기에는 본질적으로 3개의 연료 탱크가 있습니다. 흔히 쓰이는 주 연료 탱크 2개와 연료 주입 과정에서 주 탱크보다 먼저 채워지는 센터 탱크입니다. 센터 탱크는 비행 요건에 따라 빈 상태거나 사용할 수 없는 연료가 남아 있을 수도 있고, 만전이거나 그 사이에 위치할 수 있습니다. 비행기에는 78개의 연료 프로브가 있어 이를 통해 사용 가능한 연료 양을 계산합니다. 주 탱크는 각각 31,000 킬로그램의 연료를 담을 수 있으며, 센터 탱크는 약 83,000 킬로그램의 연료를 운반합니다.
The aircraft has three fuel tanks two main wing tanks and a center tank. During refueling, the main tanks are filled first, followed by the center tank, which may have varying amounts of fuel based on flight requirements. There are 78 fuel probes inside, helping calculate available fuel. Main tanks hold 31,000 kg each, and the center tank carries approximately 83,000 kg. The fuel weight in wing tanks counters stress caused by the aircraft's weight, supporting wing bending relief.
2. 비행기 중심 부의 연료 탱크 폭발 원인 | 질소 생성 시스템 - YouTube
비행기 중심 탱크 폭발의 원인은 삼 가지 조건이 필요합니다. 먼저, 연소를 지원할 산소, 두 번째로 연료 증발, 세 번째로 연료가 불이 붙을 불꽃이 필요합니다. 이러한 조건은 TWA 비행 800 중기 연료 탱크 폭발 사건 이후에 드러났습니다. 센터 탱크에 더 적은 연료가 있을수록 잠재적으로 위험한 상태가 발생할 수 있습니다.
The explosion in the center tank required three conditions oxygen for combustion, fuel vaporization, and a spark. TWA Flight 800 incident highlighted the dangers of having less fuel in the center tank, leading to potential hazards.
3. 연료 탱크 폭발을 방지하는 질소 생성 시스템 | 질소 생성 시스템 - YouTube
연료 탱크 폭발을 방지하기 위해 개선된 배선 및 유지 보수 표준, 연료 탱크와 열을 발생시키는 장비 사이의 향상된 절연 등이 이뤄졌습니다. 그 중에서도 가장 중요한 것은 비행기에 설치된 질소 생성 시스템입니다.
To prevent fuel tank explosions, improvements were made in wire separation, maintenance standards, and insulation. The crucial addition is the Nitrogen Generation System installed on the aircraft.
4. 질소 생성 시스템 동작 원리 | 질소 생성 시스템 - YouTube
질소 생성 시스템은 주 공기 공급을 이용하여 질소를 생성합니다. 시스템은 높은 공기 온도를 필요로 하며, 공기는 먼저 열 교환기로 들어가 비행기 램 에어 도어가 열리면서 흐름이 식힙니다. 이 흐름은 공기 분리 장치로 전송되어 산소 풍부한 공기는 외부로 배출되고 질소 풍부한 공기는 비행기의 센터 탱크로 이송됩니다.
The Nitrogen Generation System operates by utilizing bleed air to generate nitrogen. The system requires high air temperatures, and the air passes through a heat exchanger, cooling when the ram air door opens. The separated air, enriched with nitrogen, is then transferred to the center tank.
5. 질소 생성 시스템의 안전성 및 효과 | 질소 생성 시스템 - YouTube
질소 생성 시스템은 센터 탱크에 계속해서 질소를 주입함으로써 탱크 내의 산소 농도를 낮추어 연료 탱크 폭발 가능성을 제거합니다. 비록 연료가 증발하고 전기적인 불꽃이 발생할지라도, 질소 생성 시스템 덕분에 연료 탱크 폭발의 가능성이 사라집니다.
The Nitrogen Generation System ensures safety by continually injecting nitrogen into the center tank, reducing oxygen concentration, and eliminating the possibility of a fuel tank explosion, even in the presence of fuel vaporization and electrical sparking.
Why Nitrogen is Pumped Into The Center Fuel Tank | Nitrogen Generation System - YouTube
there are three fuel tanks on the boeing triple 7 two main wing tanks and the center tank in the refueling process the main tanks of the aircraft are filled before the center tank the center tank depending on the flight requirements can be empty with some unusable fuel or having fuel less than the full capacity or completely filled there are 78 fuel probes inside the tanks that help calculate the fuel quantity available on the aircraft the main tanks can carry 31 000 kilograms of fuel each the center tank carries approximately 83000 kilograms of fuel and let's assume the aircraft grows weight is 300 000 kilograms as the weight of the aircraft acts downwards the lift produced by the wings adds stress in the wing root areas heavier the aircraft greater is the stress this wing bending moment can lead to structural failure the weight of the fuel in the wing tanks helps counter this stress by providing relief from the wing bending moment to take maximum advantage of the fuel weight in the wing tanks the aircraft fuel feed system is designed to first use the center tank fuel and then the main tanks as this decreases the weight of the aircraft and reduces the load on the wings the weight of the wing tank fuel is still intact and continues to counter the bending stress once the center tank is empty the engine fuel feed system starts using the main tank fuel [Music] but having less fuel in the center tank can create a potential hazardous condition that came to light after the twa flight 800 mid-air fuel tank explosion let's understand what caused the center tank of the jumbo jet to explode three conditions were necessary for the explosion to take place first oxygen in the tank to support combustion second fuel vaporization fuel in its liquid form is not flammable it needs to vaporize before it could ignite and for the fuel to vaporize it needs to reach its flash point of 38 degrees celsius temperature in the fuel tank can never reach that level due to ambient temperature conditions but the heat generated by the air conditioning packs of the aircraft located just below the fuel tank caused the temperature to rise well beyond the flash point finally the spark to ignite the fuel air mixture the electrical components in the tank such as the fuel quantity probes are designed to work on a very low voltage this ensures any malfunction of the system does not create a spark inside the tank but the wiring of the system outside the tank ran alongside other high-voltage system wires an electrical short between the wires caused a spark that led to the fuel tank explosion the investigation revealed all commercial aircraft with a similar design configuration as the 747 are vulnerable to center tank explosion this led to improvement in wire separation and maintenance standards better insulation between the fuel tank and other heat generating equipments but most importantly a new system to be installed on the aircraft the nitrogen generation system any given volume of air is approximately 78 nitrogen 21 oxygen and 1 other gases
the ngs uses the left bleed supply to generate nitrogen the bleed air temperature is significantly high for the system to work therefore the air first enters a heat exchanger and the aircraft ram air door opens to cool the flow from the heat exchanger the flow gets transferred to the air separation unit
the unit separates the flow into two parts oxygen enriched air is discharged overboard and nitrogen enriched air is transferred to the center tank of the aircraft
the nea replaces the air within the tank which vacates through the vent as more and more nitrogen is pumped into the center tank the oxygen level inside the tank depletes the system ensures the level of oxygen in the tank is below 12 at such low level the oxygen will not be able to support combustion and since nitrogen is non-combustible the nitrogen generation system eliminates the possibility of a fuel tank explosion even if the fuel vaporizes and electrical sparking does take place thanks for watching