카테고리 없음

[Focus] 전기차는 갑자기 왜 시들해졌을까?

세계의문 2024. 2. 1. 10:20

1. 2024년 1월 25일, 전기차 시장에서 급제동이 걸려 테슬라를 포함한 다른 업체들의 주가가 급락하고, 테슬라의 실적 발표가 실망스러워서 전기차 열기가 갑자기 식었다. 이로 인해 전기차 시장의 전망이 부정적으로 변하고 있다.

January 25, 2024, marked a sudden slowdown in the electric car market, leading to a significant drop in Tesla's stock, and other electric car companies also experienced a decline. Disappointing financial results from Tesla contributed to a negative shift in the perception of the electric car market.


2. 테슬라의 2023년 실적 발표가 기대에 못 미쳐 주가가 하룻밤에 12% 하락하고, 회사 경영진은 미래 실적이 예상보다 더 나빠질 수 있다고 경고함으로써, 전기차 업체들의 주가 급락이 시작되었다. 전기차 시장에서는 이미 전반적인 성장세가 둔화되고 있는데, 가격 경쟁과 수익성 감소 등이 이에 영향을 미치고 있다.

Tesla's financial results for 2023 fell short of expectations, causing a 12% overnight drop in stock, and the company's management warned of potential worse future performance. This led to a general decline in electric car stocks, influenced by factors such as price competition and reduced profitability.


3. 전기차 시장의 성장세가 둔화되고 있는데, 보조금 감소, 전기차 가격 상승, 한파로 인한 배터리 한계, 충전 인프라 부족 등이 영향을 미치고 있다. 특히, 보조금 축소는 미국과 중국 같은 전기차 시장을 선점하려는 나라에서 큰 영향을 미치고 있으며, 전체적인 소비여력의 축소로 가격 인하 경쟁으로 이어져 있다.

The slowing growth of the electric car market is influenced by factors such as reduced subsidies, increased electric car prices, battery limitations due to extreme cold, and a lack of charging infrastructure. The reduction in subsidies has a significant impact, especially in countries aiming to dominate the electric car market like the USA and China, leading to price reduction competition due to an overall decrease in consumer purchasing power.


4. 전기차 구매자들은 한파로 인한 배터리 한계, 충전 인프라의 미흡함 등으로 인해 전기차에 대한 신뢰를 잃고 있다. 이로 인해 전기차 시장의 수요가 감소하고 있으며, 전 세계적으로 전기차의 시장 점유율 성장률도 예상보다 낮게 나타나고 있다.

Electric car buyers are losing confidence in electric cars due to issues like battery limitations in extreme cold and inadequate charging infrastructure. This has led to a decrease in demand for electric cars, and the global market share growth rate for electric cars is lower than expected.


