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[BMW F10] 수백만원 들어가기 전에 바꾸는 B47 디젤엔진 연료호스

세계의문 2024. 1. 30. 14:09

1. B47 디젤엔진 차량의 연료 호스 결함으로 인해 발생하는 문제와 그에 대한 대응책을 다룬 영상입니다. 제이모터스 사장과의 상담 후 연료 호수를 교체하고, 작업 내용과 호수 위치를 소개합니다.

The video discusses issues caused by a faulty fuel hose in B47 diesel engine vehicles, leading to fuel entering the ECU and rendering the vehicle inoperable. After consulting with the owner of J Motors, the decision is made to replace the fuel hose. The video details the replacement process and the location of the fuel hose.


2. 연료 호수 교체 결정에 이르게 된 배경과 과정을 설명하며, 16년식 B47 디젤 엔진 차량을 운행 중인 유튜버의 경험을 공유합니다. 연료 호수 교체를 통해 미리 예방하는 것이 더 효율적일 것이라는 판단을 내리고, 제품 구매 및 교체 작업 내용을 소개합니다.

The video shares the background and process leading to the decision to replace the fuel hose, narrating the experience of a YouTuber driving a 2016 B47 diesel engine vehicle. The decision to preventively replace the fuel hose is based on the belief that it is more efficient than worrying about potential breakdowns. The video introduces the purchase and replacement process of the product.


3. 구매한 연료 호수의 품번과 가격, 서비스센터와의 문의 과정을 설명하고, 해당 제품이 3시리즈나 4시리즈와 호환되는지에 대한 안내를 제공합니다. 연료 호수 교체 시 필요한 작업 및 주의사항을 간략히 소개하며, 작업 중 엔진 열에 대한 주의를 당부합니다.

The video details the purchase information of the fuel hose, including its part number and price, along with the process of contacting the service center. It also provides guidance on the compatibility of the product with 3-series or 4-series vehicles. The video briefly introduces the necessary steps and precautions for replacing the fuel hose, emphasizing caution regarding the high temperature of the engine during the process.


4. 연료 호수의 구조와 특징을 설명하며, 연료 라인과 연결되는 부분의 캡 및 센서에 대한 안내를 제공합니다. 제품의 품질과 생산 일자를 확인하고, 왜 비싼 비용이 부과되는지 의문을 제기하면서, 연료 호수를 개봉하여 내부 구조를 살펴봅니다.

The video explains the structure and features of the fuel hose, providing information about caps and sensors connected to the fuel line. It checks the quality and production date of the product, questions the reason behind its high cost, and opens the fuel hose to examine its internal structure.


5. 새로운 연료 호수를 설치하는 과정을 시작하기 전에 작업을 준비하는 방법과 주의사항을 안내합니다. 협소한 엔진룸에서의 작업 난이도를 강조하면서, 연료 리턴 라인 커넥터를 먼저 빼고, 호수를 잡아주는 고리를 제거하여 작업 편의성을 높이는 방법을 소개합니다.

The video provides guidance on preparing for the installation of the new fuel hose, emphasizing the difficulty of working in the cramped engine room. It highlights the importance of removing the fuel return line connector first, along with tips on removing the rings holding the hose to facilitate the process in the limited space.


