카테고리 없음

"AI가 여러분을 모두 죽일겁니다".. 소름돋는 미국 현지 상황

세계의문 2024. 2. 8. 11:39

현지 상황에서 구글의 전시 에릭 슈미트는 AI가 많은 인간을 죽일 것이라 경고하며, 세계 최고의 AI 석학 프린트는 AI 연구를 후회한다고 전합니다. 몇몇 학자들은 현재 상황에서 무언가 공생할 수 있는 환경이 필요하다고 언급하며, 대격변 시기에는 역사적으로 많은 사람들이 희생되거나 사라졌다고 합니다.

In the local context, Google's executive Eric Schmidt warns that AI will eliminate many humans, and prominent AI scholar Print expresses regret for decades of AI research. Some scholars argue the need for an environment where coexistence is possible amid the current situation, citing historical instances of revolutions and significant changes leading to casualties or disappearances.

AI에 대한 미국 대학의 컴퓨터 과학 교수는 인공지능이 지금까지 알던 내용과 크게 다를 수 있으며, 인공지능이 현재의 상황에서 큰 일이 일어나기 전에 공생 환경이 필요하다고 말합니다. 그러나 이에 반해, 대기업들의 임원은 규제를 우려하면서 모순적인 발언을 하고 있다고 전합니다.

A computer science professor from the University of Chicago, contacted to understand the situation, mentions that AI may differ significantly from what we know, emphasizing the need for a coexisting environment before major upheavals. However, executives from major corporations express concerns about regulations, leading to contradictory statements.

현재의 생성형 AI와 GPT 모델은 데이터를 기반으로 다음에 나올 내용을 추측하는데 불과하며, 실제 지식과 판단력이 부족하다고 교수는 주장합니다. AGI에 대한 대화는 마케팅 수단이며, 현실적으로는 아주 먼 미래에 있을 것이라고 말합니다.

The current generative AI and GPT models merely guess what comes next based on massive amounts of data, lacking real intelligence and decision-making. The conversation about AGI is considered a marketing scheme, with the realization that AGI is far from being achieved in the near future.

현재의 인공지능은 전통적인 화이트 컬러 직업뿐만 아니라 다양한 직업에 침투하며 일자리 문제를 야기하고 있습니다. 빅테크 기업들의 직원들도 대규모로 해고되는 상황인데, 이로 인해 개발자들의 존재 가치에 대한 불안이 나타나고 있습니다.

Current AI is infiltrating various professions, causing job-related concerns, especially for developers. Employees of big tech companies, including Google and Amazon, are facing mass layoffs, raising questions about the relevance of developers and similar roles. 

현재의 무법지대 상황에서는 인공지능의 부작용이 미국에서 큰 문제로 부상하고 있습니다. 규제와 법률의 필요성이 대두되어 있으며, 이에 대한 대응이 필요하다는 의견이 나오고 있습니다.

The current situation of AI's side effects is emerging as a significant issue in the United States, calling for the necessity of regulations and laws to address the challenges posed by AI.


