카테고리 없음

17년간 방치된 대한민국, 안녕히 계세요

세계의문 2024. 2. 1. 13:01

여기서 미국은 노후를 금융 자산으로 세팅하여 시스템을 운영하고, 한국 정부는 부동산을 부양하며 초저 출산율 문제를 안고 있음을 언급하였습니다. 두 나라의 현재 상황이 한국의 출산율에 영향을 미치는 것입니다.

The United States has set up a system to finance retirement with financial assets, while the Korean government continues artificial support policies for real estate, addressing the issue of extremely low birth rates. The current situation of both countries is reflected in Korea's low birth rates.



분석왕 최상욱은 대한민국의 노후 문제를 다루면서 자신의 생각을 솔직하게 나누고 있습니다. 한국인들은 재테크가 필요하며 국민연금과 퇴직연금의 문제를 지적하고, 연금 시스템의 부재와 연금 개혁의 필요성을 언급하고 있습니다.

Analyst Choi Sang-wook addresses the retirement issues in South Korea, sharing his honest thoughts. He points out Koreans' focus on financial investment, criticizes the problems with the national pension and retirement pension systems, and emphasizes the absence of a proper pension system and the need for reform.



2005년에 국민연금이 시작됐으며, 연금 시스템이 미국과 차이를 보이며 한국은 분담금을 높이고 연금 수익률이 상대적으로 낮아지는 방향으로 개혁해 왔습니다. 퇴직연금의 문제도 다뤄지며 현재까지의 어려움과 개선이 필요한 상황을 설명합니다.

The national pension system started in 2005, and Korea has reformed the system differently from the United States by increasing contribution rates and decreasing pension returns. The issues with retirement pensions are discussed, highlighting the current challenges and the need for improvement.


퇴직연금의 평균 수익률이 낮아 기업들은 퇴직금을 지급하기 어렵고, 회사의 공시자료에 따르면 퇴직연금 부채도 정립되지 못하고 있는 상황을 비판합니다. 퇴직연금 개혁의 필요성을 강조하며 임금 피크제 도입이 논의되고 있다고 언급하였습니다.

With the low average return rate of retirement pensions, companies find it difficult to pay retirement benefits, and the inability to properly address retirement pension debts is criticized. The need for retirement pension reform is emphasized, and the discussion of introducing a peak wage system is mentioned.

