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화려한 뉴욕에 그림들은 왜 전부 외로울까? [아트 앤 더 시티_뉴욕 2부] f.세종사이버대학교 전원경 교수

세계의문 2023. 12. 29. 16:24

2차 세계 대전 사이의 뉴욕, 재즈의 시대와 스콧 피츠제럴드의 개츠비에 대한 소개, 그리고 에드워드 호퍼의 등장과 뉴욕의 속성에 대한 논의가 진행됩니다.


In the midst of World War II, New York experiences the Jazz Age, marked by the rise of individuals passionately pursuing their ambitions. Scott Fitzgerald, the iconic figure of the Jazz Age, introduces his masterpiece "The Great Gatsby" in 1925, capturing the essence of American life. The discussion shifts to the unique attributes of New York, portrayed by the painter Edward Hopper, who depicts the harsh, lonely nature of the city.


뉴욕의 예술가들과 투자의 필요성, 존 프랜치 슬론의 역할, 그림을 통한 20세기 초기 뉴욕의 모습과 소시민들의 일상을 담은 화폭에 대한 이야기가 전개됩니다.


The necessity of continuous investment in art and culture for the development of a city's identity is emphasized, exploring the role of artists in shaping New York's cultural landscape. John French Sloan, an artist capturing the early 20th-century New York scenes, particularly the modest life of common citizens, is introduced. His works reflect the genuine essence of New York before it became a globally recognized metropolis.


뉴욕을 떠난 화가들과 예술의 흐름, 케이팝과의 비교를 통한 투자와 경쟁에 대한 비유, 그리고 존 프랜치 슬론의 작품 "일요일 머리를 말리는 여자들" 해설이 진행됩니다.


The departure of artists from New York, the shift in art trends, and the comparison with the global impact of K-pop serve as analogies for the necessity of continuous investment and competition within the art world. The focus then turns to John French Sloan's painting "Sunday, Women Drying Their Hair," portraying the unadorned lives of working-class women in early 20th-century New York.


19세기 말까지의 뉴욕 예술의 한계와 20세기의 전환, 자국 문화의 탄생을 위한 장기적인 투자에 대한 논의와 피카소, 마티스와의 대비, 그리고 존 프랜치 슬론의 작품 "뉴욕 5번가"에 대한 해설이 포함됩니다.


The limitations of New York's art scene until the late 19th century and the transformative period into the 20th century are explored. The importance of long-term investment in the birth of national culture is discussed, contrasting it with the impact of international artists like Picasso and Matisse. The analysis of John French Sloan's work, "New York, Fifth Avenue," adds depth to the discussion.


뉴욕의 소시민들과 소박한 모습을 담은 존 프랜치 슬론의 작품 "일요일 머리를 말리는 여자들"의 해석과 20세기 초기 뉴욕의 도시 풍경에 대한 마무리가 이뤄집니다.


The interpretation of John French Sloan's painting "Sunday, Women Drying Their Hair," depicting the modest lives of New York's working-class women, concludes the discussion. The chapter also wraps up the exploration of the urban landscape of early 20th-century New York through art.


이 비디오에서는 뉴욕의 화가 에드워드 호퍼와 20세기 초반 뉴욕의 예술적 모습에 대한 이야기가 전해집니다. 화가 존 프랜시스 슬론을 통해 그림 속에 뉴욕의 소시민들의 소박하고 인간적인 삶이 담겨 있음을 강조하며, 이러한 예술이 뉴욕의 도시 정체성과 상징적인 모습을 형성하는 데 어떤 역할을 하는지에 대해 논의됩니다.
