카테고리 없음

최첨단 물리학이 인간의 의식을 설명한다.

세계의문 2024. 1. 23. 12:32

1. 양자역학이 물리학자들에 의해 제시된 이중 슬릿 실험을 통해, 전자가 관측되지 않을 때 중첩 상태에 있어 어디든 통과할 수 있다는 기본 개념을 설명합니다. 이 중첩 상태가 화학과 생물학의 이해를 높이고, 생명체의 공유 결합 및 에너지 획득에도 영향을 미칩니다.


Recent physics research suggests that quantum mechanics can explain human consciousness, using the example of the double-slit experiment. The concept of electron superposition in this experiment has implications for chemistry and biology, influencing the understanding of chemical bonding and energy acquisition through shared bonds in living organisms.

2. 뇌의 시냅스에서 일어나는 양자 중첩 향상에 대한 연구 결과를 소개하며, 전자의 중첩 상태가 전기의 흐름과 초전도 현상에 영향을 미치는 원리를 설명합니다. 도체 내의 전자가 중첩 상태에서 양자 도약을 통해 이동하는 과정을 통해 전기의 흐름과 저항 발생에 대한 이해를 제시합니다.

The discussion extends to the study of quantum enhancement in synapses of the brain, highlighting how electron superposition in the brain's neural connections influences the flow of electricity and contributes to phenomena like superconductivity. The principles of quantum leaps within conductive materials explain electrical flow and resistance in a new perspective.

3. 물질의 배열과 중첩 상태에 따라 도체와 저항이 결정되는 원리를 설명하며, 중첩 상태가 일어나기 쉬운 물질을 도체로, 일어나기 어려운 물질을 저항체로 구분합니다. 이를 통해 초전도 현상의 이해와 초전도 물질이 특정 조건에서 형성되는 원리를 다룹니다.

The explanation continues with the principle that the arrangement and superposition state of matter determine whether a substance acts as a conductor or resistor. Materials prone to superposition become conductors, while those less likely become resistors, shedding light on the understanding of superconductivity and the conditions for its occurrence.

4. 뇌세포 간의 연결과 양자 중첩이 뇌의 신경망에서 작동하는 원리를 다루며, 각 두뇌의 중첩 상태가 의식 형성에 기여함을 제시합니다. 의식을 양자 중첩의 패턴에서 유래한다는 유물론적인 관점에서 우리의 의식을 이해하려는 시도를 설명합니다.

The exploration of the principles governing connections between brain cells and quantum superposition in neural networks suggests that the overlapping states of each brain contribute to the formation of consciousness. The attempt to interpret consciousness from a materialistic perspective based on quantum superposition patterns is discussed.

5. 양자 중첩 현상이 두뇌의 데이터 처리에 중요한 역할을 하는 것을 강조하며, 두뇌의 기억과 데이터는 의식과 별개임을 주장합니다. 인간의 의식을 양자역학의 중첩 현상으로 완전히 설명하는 것은 아직 부족하지만, 양자 중첩 덕분에 뇌가 적절히 작동할 수 있는 원리를 지적합니다.

Emphasizing the crucial role of quantum superposition in brain data processing, the assertion is made that memories and data in the brain are distinct from consciousness. While a complete explanation of human consciousness through quantum mechanics may be lacking, the discussion highlights how the brain operates effectively due to quantum superposition.


