카테고리 없음

무선 프리뷰 모니터 + 무선 영상송신기까지, 액순 시네뷰 나노 (Accsoon Cineview nano)

세계의문 2024. 2. 1. 22:38

1. 최근에 출시된 Accsoon Cineview Nano는 핸드폰을 장착하여 필드 모니터 및 무선 영상 송신이 가능한 제품이다. 이 제품은 이전 모델에 비해 무선 기능이 업그레이드되었으며, 카메라와는 유선 연결이 필요하지만 핸드폰과는 무선으로 사용 가능하다.

Recently released Accsoon Cineview Nano is a product that can be attached to a phone to function as a field monitor and wireless video transmitter. This device has upgraded wireless capabilities compared to its predecessor, allowing simultaneous transmission to up to four devices. While it requires a wired connection to the camera, it eliminates the need for a cable connection to the phone.


2. Cineview Nano의 주요 용도는 가벼운 프리뷰 모니터로 사용되며, 필드 모니터를 살 필요 없이 기존의 핸드폰이나 태블릿을 모니터로 활용할 수 있는 것이 강점이다. 밝기 면에서 필드 모니터에는 미치지 못하지만, 무선 기능이 진정한 장점으로 나타난다. 무선으로 연결하여 촬영 중인 모습을 간편하게 모니터링할 수 있어 유용하다.

The primary purpose of Cineview Nano is to serve as a lightweight preview monitor, making it a recommended choice for those who don't want to invest in a dedicated field monitor. While the brightness may not match professional field monitors, its true strength lies in wireless functionality, allowing convenient monitoring of the shooting process with a connected phone or tablet.


3. 이 제품은 카메라의 화면을 핸드폰으로 실시간 전송하여 녹화할 수 있는 기능을 제공한다. 이는 카메라의 LCD 화면을 그대로 핸드폰으로 전송하고 녹화할 수 있어 카메라 리뷰나 테스트 시에 유용하게 활용될 수 있다. 높은 비용이 드는 전용 장비 없이도 이러한 화면 캡처 기능이 가능하다.

The product offers the ability to wirelessly transmit and record the camera's screen to a connected phone, a feature highly useful for camera reviews and tests. This screen capture function, available without the need for expensive dedicated equipment, makes Cineview Nano a cost-effective choice.


4. Cineview Nano는 가볍고 안정적인 무선 영상 송신을 제공하며, 72.3g의 낮은 무게와 플라스틱 소재로 만들어진 본체는 안정적인 운용을 가능케 한다. 또한, 네 대의 장비에 동시에 연결 가능하며, 전원을 끄고 다시 켜도 빠르게 연결되는 장점이 있다.

Cineview Nano provides lightweight and stable wireless video transmission with its low weight of 72.3g and a stable plastic body. It can simultaneously connect to four devices, and the quick reconnection feature is convenient when turning the camera on and off.


5. Cineview Nano는 Accsoon 전용 앱을 통해 간편하게 연결이 가능하며, 다양한 옵션 및 녹화 기능을 제공한다. 화면 캡처, 핸드폰 인풋 영상 녹화, UI 화면 전체를 녹화하는 등의 기능은 모두 핸드폰에서 가능하며, 카메라 화면을 녹화하는데 최소한 40만 원 이상이 필요한 전용 장비보다 가성비 측면에서 우수한 제품이라 평가된다.

Cineview Nano easily connects through the Accsoon dedicated app, offering various options and recording capabilities. Functions like screen capture, recording phone input video, and recording the entire UI screen are all available on the phone, making it a cost effective alternative to dedicated equipment that costs at least 400,000 won for recording camera screens.


