카테고리 없음

단열 안되고 결로 생기는 통창 말고! 요즘에는 이렇게 시공합니다! 겨울에도 따뜻한 선룸 시공 과정│극한직업│#골라듄다큐

세계의문 2024. 1. 30. 15:35

1. 겨울에도 태양의 따뜻함을 느낄 수 있는 테라스나 별도 공간을 손놈 주택에 시공하는 프로세스입니다. 선넘의 추가 공간 증축 공사는 치수를 세밀하게 측정하여 안전한 구조물을 만들기 위해 노력합니다.

In the process of constructing a terrace or separate space in the winter to enjoy the warmth of the sun in a homeowner's house. The expansion construction by the handyman involves precise measurements to ensure the safety of the structure.


2. 알루미늄 프레임을 활용해 선놈의 뼈대를 세우고, 주춧돌과 보 새우기를 통해 안정성을 확보합니다. 프레임은 오래 사용 가능한 알루미늄으로 제작되며, 구멍을 뚫고 기본 작업이 시작됩니다.

Erecting the framework using aluminum, ensuring stability through foundation stones and beam installation. The frame, made of long-lasting aluminum, is used, and the construction process begins by drilling holes.


3. 대들보와 지붕을 연결하는 핵심 구조물인 대들보를 조심스럽게 설치합니다. 대들보 설치 중에 발생할 수 있는 실수를 방지하기 위해 보조 대들보를 잘 고정하고, 알루미늄 프레임을 정밀하게 재단하여 고정 작업을 수행합니다.

Carefully installing the critical structure, the girder, which connects the columns and the roof. To prevent mistakes during girder installation, securing auxiliary girders and precise cutting of aluminum frames for fixation are essential.


4. 용마루 설치를 통해 지붕 중앙의 공간을 완성합니다. 주택 벽면의 굴곡으로 인한 난관을 극복하고, 대들보를 교체하여 정확한 설치를 보장합니다.

Completing the central space of the roof through the installation of ridge beams. Overcoming challenges due to wall curvature and ensuring accurate installation by replacing girders.


5. 유리를 적절한 사이즈로 제작하여 세운 뼈대에 끼워넣습니다. 폐어 유리를 사용하여 단열 기능을 갖춘 유리로 손놈의 주택에 시공하며, 유리 설치를 조심스럽게 수행합니다.

Crafting glass to the appropriate size and fitting it into the erected framework. Installing glass with insulating properties using double-glazed windows for the handyman's house, and carefully executing the glass installation.


