카테고리 없음

건설사는 빚을 이렇게 숨깁니다 (언더스탠딩 장순원 기자)

세계의문 2024. 1. 31. 00:01

(1) 태양 건설의 부동산 문제
태양 건설은 부동산 경기의 영향으로 공사현장을 무분별하게 벌이다가 부동산 문제로 인해 곤경에 빠진 상황이다. 다른 건설회사와는 달리 재무제표에는 건설사의 빛이라고 불리는 약속이 나타나지 않아서 회계적인 부분에서의 위험성이 존재한다.

(1) Real Estate Issues of Taeyang Construction
Taeyang Construction is facing difficulties due to the impact of the real estate market. While engaging in construction projects indiscriminately, the company is now in trouble due to the real estate market downturn. Unlike other construction companies, there is no clear indication of the promises, referred to as the "light" of the construction company, in the financial statements, leading to potential risks in accounting.


(2) GS 건설의 송도 아파트 프로젝트
GS 건설은 인천 송도에 대규모 아파트 건설 프로젝트를 수주했다. 그러나 최근에 이 프로젝트와 관련된 회사의 우발 부채 문제가 새로운 논란의 중심이 되었다. 건설사가 미분양된 아파트를 가져갈 수 있도록 한 약속은 사업 보고서나 재무제표에 나타나지 않았으며, 이로 인해 GS 건설의 주주들은 약속을 알지 못했다.

(2) GS Construction's Songdo Apartment Project
GS Construction secured a large-scale apartment construction project in Incheon's Songdo. However, recent controversies surround the company's unplanned debt issues related to this project. The promise that the construction company could take unsold apartments was not disclosed in business reports or financial statements, leaving GS Construction's shareholders unaware of the commitment.


(3) 건설사의 우발 채무와 리스크
건설사의 우발 채무 중에서도 책임 준공이 큰 이슈가 되고 있다. 이 약속에는 건설사가 공사를 완료하지 못하면 시행사가 대출한 돈을 전량 상환해야 하는 부분이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 회계적으로도 회색 지대에 속할 정도로 리스크가 크다.

(3) Construction Company's Unplanned Debt and Risks
Among the unplanned debts of construction companies, the issue of responsibility for completion is prominent. This commitment includes the obligation for the construction company to fully repay the money borrowed by the executor if the construction is not completed. This poses a significant risk, both accounting-wise and in terms of potential gray areas.


(4) 건설사의 부적절한 회계 처리
일부 건설사는 재무제표에 정확하게 반영되지 않은 우발 채무와 관련된 부적절한 회계 처리를 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 회계적 처리로 생긴 회색 지대는 건설사의 실제 위험을 판단하기에 어려움을 야기하고 있다.

(4) Inappropriate Accounting Treatment by Construction Companies
It has been revealed that some construction companies engage in inappropriate accounting treatment related to unplanned debts that are not accurately reflected in financial statements. These accounting practices create gray areas, making it challenging to assess the actual risks faced by construction companies.


(5) 태양 건설과 GS 건설의 대조 태양 건설과 GS 건설의 사례를 대조해보면, 회사들 간의 약속과 부채 처리 방식에 차이가 나타난다. 회계적인 측면에서 건설사의 리스크를 명확히 파악하기 어렵고, 투명성이 부족하다는 점이 주목된다.

(5) Contrast between Taeyang Construction and GS Construction Contrasting the cases of Taeyang Construction and GS Construction reveals differences in commitments and debt handling methods between the companies. The lack of transparency and difficulty in clearly understanding the risks from an accounting perspective are notable aspects in assessing construction companies.


