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100년 뒤 인류는 정말 달에 거주할 수 있을까? (달에서 살면 벌어지는 일 ㄷㄷ)

by 세계의문 2024. 2. 10.

1. 달 뒷면에서 30m 크기의 크레이터가 발견됨. 우주 쓰레기로 추정되며, 이는 중국 달 탐사선의 파편으로 확인됨.
A 30m-sized crater has been discovered on the far side of the Moon, suspected to be space debris. It is confirmed to be fragments from a Chinese lunar probe called Chang'e O'Ho, despite China's denial.


2. 우주 쓰레기로 인한 위험 상황 증가 및 쓰레기 수량 급증에 대한 우주 쓰레기 분야의 고민과 대책 소개.

Concerns and solutions in the field of space debris due to increased risks and a rapid rise in debris quantities are discussed, including ideas such as using large electromagnets for retrieval or deploying nets to capture space debris.


3. 우주 쓰레기 문제는 우주 탐사선과 위성 간의 충돌 사고로부터 기인하며, 이로 인해 미래의 우주 탐사를 위한 안전성 문제도 고려됨.

The issue of space debris arises from collisions between space probes and satellites, raising safety concerns for future space exploration endeavors.


4. 달 주변에 쌓인 우주 쓰레기는 지구와는 다르게 대기권이 없어 안전한 처리가 어려워지는 문제 제기.

The accumulation of space debris around the Moon poses challenges due to the lack of atmosphere, making safe disposal more challenging compared to Earth, where the atmosphere aids in debris elimination.


5. 달에 거주할 경우의 잠재적 위험성 및 달 주변 궤도에서 발생하는 우주 쓰레기 문제에 대한 논의와 대비책 소개.

Discussion on potential risks and countermeasures for residing on the Moon, considering the challenges posed by space debris in lunar orbits.


