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연금저축하면 세액공제는 어느 계좌로 들어오나요?ㅣ연금시리즈 3편ㅣ연말정산과 세액공제

by 세계의문 2024. 2. 6.

1. 연말 정산은 1월에 찾아보면서 1년 동안의 준비를 해야 합니다. 이번 영상에서는 연금저축의 세액공제와 2024년 버전으로 얼마나 받게 되는지 배우는 시간을 가졌습니다.
Year-end settlement is something you need to check in January, and preparation is crucial for the whole year. In this video, we explore the tax deduction for pension savings and learn how much deduction we can receive in the 2024 version.


2. 연금저축으로 세액공제를 받는 방법을 설명하고, 작년에 실수로 세 공제를 받게 되었다는 상황을 다룹니다. 연말 정산을 진행 중이며 결과를 받게 되면 어떻게 세액공제가 이뤄지는지 확인합니다.

We discuss the method of receiving tax deductions through pension savings and address a situation where one mistakenly received tax deductions last year. As year-end settlement is underway, we will examine how the deductions are processed when the results are out.


3. 세액공제를 받기 위해서는 세계 개념을 이해해야 합니다. 절세는 세금을 줄이는 행위로, 세금을 아끼기 위해 특정 행동을 하는 것이 사회적으로 도움이 되기 때문에 혜택을 받게 됩니다.

To understand tax deductions, one needs to grasp the concept of taxation. Tax reduction is an act of saving taxes, and individuals receive benefits for actions that contribute to society by saving taxes.


4. 세액공제 종류로는 비과세, 분리과세, 소득공제, 세액공제, 그리고 과세 이연이 있습니다. 이 중에서 비과세는 세금을 없애주고, 분리과세는 다른 소득을 따로 계산하여 세금을 계산하는 것입니다.

Types of tax deductions include tax-free, separate taxation, income deduction, tax deduction, and deferred taxation. Tax-free eliminates taxes, while separate taxation calculates taxes for different incomes separately.


5. 절세의 개념 중 하나로 공제는 이미 낸 세금의 일부를 돌려받는 것을 의미합니다. 세금을 내고 나서 돌려받도록 마이너스 처리를 하는 것이 세액공제이며, 세액공제는 소득 공제와 세액 공제로 나뉩니다.

Deduction, as a concept of tax reduction, means receiving a portion of already paid taxes. Tax deduction involves subtracting to receive back part of the paid taxes. Deductions are categorized into income deductions and tax deductions.





  • 납입 한도:  나이 구분없이 연간 총 900만원(퇴직연금 300만원,연금저축 600만원)으로 확대
  • 연금계좌 세액공제 기준금액: 총 급여액 5,500만원(종합소득금액 4,500만원)으로 통일
  • 적용 시기: 2023년 1월 1일 납입분부터 적용
